He met his first love

He met his first love

The main characters of the action-packed film are two sisters Irina and Anastasia, so similar in appearance, but in character they are completely opposite personalities. Ira is a modest, quiet and kind school teacher, Nastya, bright and mischievous, is a singer in a nightclub. One day, the latter asks a relative to help her out at work for a while by replacing her. The sister, always ready to help, agrees, but when she arrives at her apartment, she discovers the bloody corpse of an unknown man there. At this very moment, Nastya’s ex-hubby, Mikhail, appears in the house.

In the dead man he recognizes the owner of the very club where Anastasia sings. Misha has just been released from pre-trial detention, where he was imprisoned on a murder case, and now he definitely doesn’t need problems. He hides the find in the trunk of his car. The frightened Ira helps him in this. But the unwitting partners could not imagine that someone would want to steal a car with a surprise. A wild night of intrigue and surprises is gaining momentum. But what to do next? Are there more and more unanswered questions in this strange case? How will events develop?

The legendary members of search and rescue squad number 42-21 became famous among their colleagues for their incredible professionalism. In each operation, these fighters and their faithful dog Bubble find an unusual way out of the situation, sometimes reminiscent of a joke. During their careers, masters of their craft have saved thousands of lives.

They spare no effort and health for the sake of their mission; one of the most experienced employees, Saidych, even constantly suffers from back pain. Specialists are annoyed when someone’s failure to comply with safety regulations puts human lives at risk. After rescuing a crippled child from the rubble or rescuing a person from a fire, colleagues have to recover morally, which sometimes requires a little vodka. In addition, squad members have conflicts with officials who do not provide adequate staffing or cut funding for group 42-21.

The young specialist Grek ends up in the sensational group, because Saidych has long been asking management to find him an intelligent deputy. Many predict that the newcomer will not remain a lieutenant for a long time, but will be able to quickly make a career. Colleagues will also find out how successful an intern of the opposite sex is.

Anti-Corruption Committee employees devote themselves to risky and important work. They try to forget their personal experiences while on duty. This team includes former prosecutor’s office employee Nikolai, retired riot police officer Timofey, and ex-operative Victoria. The head of the unit is General Kumov. Fate brought them together when they were fulfilling their official duty.

Kolya Nesterov, then still an investigator, tried to solve the murders of five citizens. And Major Timofey Efimov, with experience in special forces, was his partner. It was not possible to identify the culprit. After all, Nesterov, Nikolai’s commander, provided protection for the murderer. At this time, Victoria Lazareva, who was already on the staff of the anti-corruption department, by order of Kumov, was looking for officers worthy of being included in this department.

And at the same time she was unraveling the case of a major raider seizure. It turned out that this crime is connected with the recent murders of five people. Kolya and Timofey were offered to become employees of a committee recently formed to combat corruption. Detectives are already actively involved in the work. Together with Victoria, her new colleagues must find the culprits in both high-profile cases.

Captain of the Russian special services Andrei Ovchinnikov woke up in the morgue. The nurse, who thought it was a risen corpse, fainted. The morgue employee at the reception desk is also shocked. He tells the “resurrected” man that he was brought in a couple of hours ago with a heart attack. Then he apologizes for the mistake, gives him his phone number and offers to notify his relatives.

The captain calls his wife and reports that he is alive. Suddenly a man calls him on his mobile phone from an unknown number, introduces himself as General Mikhail Vavilov and warns that Ovchinnikov urgently needs to escape from the morgue because he is in danger. Andrei obeys and follows all the instructions of the general, whom he cannot remember.

It turns out that an hour earlier, his former colleague Grigoriev came to the retired officer Vavilov. And he said that the homeland was threatened by influential forces from Western Europe, and the leader of the sabotage being prepared against Russia was a powerful man known as Matson. Grigoriev is not allowed to send his official units to Europe, so as not to provoke a war. And Vavilov in the 90s created a detachment of secret agents who were put into a state of suspended animation, so no one knows these fighters. And in the 2000s, the time came to activate them to fight the West. Only Vavilov knows how to do this.

Zhenya Kolesnikova is happy with her husband, the outstanding and famous surgeon Sergei. The life of a married couple is darkened only by the fact that they cannot have children. However, the rest of the relationship between the spouses seems impeccable. The marriage has been going on for many years, and no prerequisites for divorce have arisen during this time. The husband seems to the woman to be a wonderful family man who is definitely not capable of betrayal. But terrible times come, which dramatically destroy the fragile idyll.

Evgenia was unexpectedly betrayed by her loved one. It turned out that Sergei has a mistress. Kolesnikova feels broken, because she never expected betrayal from her husband. She wanted to forget the past and start a new life. There was no talk of forgiving the traitor. Some time later, the main character moved to the village where she lived when she was still a little girl.

The guest settled with her father, Ivan Petrovich. In the village she will change and understand a lot about life. Soon Kolesnikova found her true calling here, having the opportunity to help people. What twists of fate await Evgenia in the future? What profession will the former housewife choose? And will she be able to find a man who will be worthy of becoming her husband?

Anastasia works as a nurse. For almost five years she has been living with her husband named Oleg. The man works as a musician in an orchestra and spends his days attending numerous rehearsals and performances. The family rests on a devoted, caring and loving wife. Nastya does not throw hysterics if her husband returns late.

She supports the creative personality in everything and naively believes that the musician is an exemplary family man who does not even look in the direction of other women. And then one day a disaster happens. All the housewife’s ideas about her loved one are destroyed. A nurse comes home from work early and unexpectedly catches her husband with his mistress. Oleg tries to find an excuse for himself and repents of his immoral act.

The manipulator does this so sincerely that Nastya decides to forgive the traitor and give him a second chance. Still, it is psychologically difficult to break emotional ties with a person with whom you have lived for many years. But it turned out to be incredibly difficult to forget such an episode. Every day their marriage is being destroyed more and more. The once caring and friendly girl becomes increasingly colder and more and more distant from her husband who betrayed her. Is there a chance they won’t get divorced?

Police captain Ekaterina Kerzhakova spends almost all her days fighting crime in the remote Ural village of Kerzhatsk. Everything in this area is familiar to the woman since childhood. She is respected and feared by both petty crooks and authoritative and serious bandits. Kerzhakova is used to devoting most of her time to work. She doesn’t have a husband. And the eternal bachelorette doesn’t have enough time to improve her personal life.

It seems that nothing can change the heroine’s established way of life. But sudden news turns Katya’s life upside down. For the first time in her life, this strong-willed and self-confident girl is truly confused and does not understand what to do next. Kerzhakova turns out to be pregnant. The father of the child is a married man. Having learned about this secret, the mother condemned Catherine.

This secret also became available to fellow villagers. They made the unfortunate woman an object of ridicule and numerous bullying. Everyone who seemed like close people suddenly turned into hostile and strangers. Yes, the village itself now causes only rejection and continuous unpleasant associations. With pain in her soul, Kerzhakova leaves her home and tries to forget her old life. A police officer goes to Moscow with the goal of starting everything from scratch.

Julia is an exemplary wife, a wonderful housewife and mother of two wonderful girls. Selfless care for her husband Alexei, little daughters and home makes the heroine’s life happy. She is happy with everything, she feels needed and loved. But overnight the family’s quiet idyll is destroyed. One day, by chance, Yulia finds out about Lyosha’s sexual relationship with his mistress.

Her life, so predictable and streamlined, suddenly becomes different, uncontrollable and nightmarish. But an unexpected acquaintance with successful entrepreneur Nikolai helps the woman regain the joy of life and believe in herself. Trying to overcome the pain of her ex’s betrayal, the heroine changes the world around her and becomes different. She is now a well-groomed, feminine, strong, wise, enterprising, successful and confident woman.

Many men dream about Julia – her popularity among the opposite sex has increased greatly. But the woman rejects all suitors and does not feel affection for Nikolai. She still loves only Alexei, whom she once abandoned because of his betrayal. Julia understands with her mind that this person is unreliable, cynical, and depraved. But you can’t order your heart. She begins to think about what to do next with her personal life.

Nurse Lyubov Kovrigina is experiencing a serious crisis in her personal life. Her daughter grew up and rushed off to study in Moscow. But love with my husband has long passed, and they have been living together for a long time out of habit. The heroine wants to escape from many problems and for this purpose plunges headlong into work. One day, the family drama reached its peak: tired Lyuba returned home from work and caught her husband with his mistress.

Of course, deep down, Kovrigina knew that she was no longer interested in her husband and admitted that he was capable of treason. But even though their relationship has cooled greatly in recent years, and divorce was clearly close, her husband’s betrayal still becomes a strong blow for the heroine and hurts her pride. A woman crushed by life understands that drastic changes are necessary.

She is not trying to win back an unfaithful man or save their troubled relationship. The woman simply packs her things and leaves the city. She is on her way towards a new life. What awaits a woman who decides to make drastic changes? Will she find a worthy man who will make her life happy, and behind whom she will feel like behind a stone wall? How will the future relationship between Lyubov Kovrigina and her daughter develop?

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