Plastic Queen

Masha Gromova is seventeen years old. The almost adult “plastic princess,” as some call her, lives in a small provincial town.

Her dad is the manager of a large plastic production plant. Her friends Svetka and Anzhelka are jealous of the major girl who receives a lot of money.

Gromova herself is madly in love with an ordinary guy Lyosha, who cannot boast of having a lot of money or connections that make it easier to make a career and open many doors in life.

Rich parents want a better life for their daughter and don’t think living in poverty with this guy is a smart choice.

Therefore, purposeful parents fraudulently achieve the separation of Masha and her boyfriend. And they send their daughter to receive a good and expensive education in the capital.

However, after returning home after a long period of time, Masha Gromova realizes that her love for Alexei has not gone away.

The parents hoped that after some time their daughter would lose interest in the guy. But no. True love stands the test of time and separation.

How will the relationship between Masha and Lyosha develop? Will they be able to overcome all the obstacles on the path to happiness? What will rich parents do?

A young and attractive woman, Violetta, is forced to move to Atamanovka, which many call a “hole.” Then the heroine had no money.

But in this village she found the opportunity to get an apartment and get a job at a nearby factory for the production and packaging of gas masks.

Gradually, the employee of the enterprise improves her life and stabilizes her financial situation. She is raising her daughter in a small but cozy apartment.

Relative calm has come, there is no longer panic due to numerous problems. Violetta begins to feel melancholy from life in the gray and unpromising Atamanovka.

A woman takes a vacation because seeing gas masks is sickening. An adult daughter comes to visit from a big city.

And he invites you to the metropolis. He offers to get an education, find a normal job, spend your leisure time interestingly and usefully, and not marinate in the village.

The daughter also scolded her mother for not taking care of herself, for spending her free time reading low-grade detective stories, and for not finding a man.

Violetta really dreams of escaping, like a bird into the sky, from this gloomy settlement and prison-like factory. The heroine wants to live in the city, self-actualize and find her other half. One day a miracle happens.

A simple and shy girl Lida lives in the village of Kolpakovo with her mother, dreams of working as a flight attendant and looks at the sky with admiration when planes leave a white trail behind them.

In her room, on the wall carpet, there are even cut out paper figures of representatives of this profession. The last thing she wants is to follow the path of local youth.

Enroll in an agricultural school and herd cows or engage in agricultural affairs all her life. Her peers tease her as a loser and assure her that she will always herd her cow named Dragonfly.

The heroine saw a decent and modest dad once – about five years ago. Then he left warm memories of himself, treated his daughter to ice cream, gave her silver earrings and invited her to come to him when Lida finished school.

The moment came when the girl’s liberated mother found someone else and got married again. The heroine feels like a third wheel in the family.

So she packs her things and goes to the capital, feeling a vague hope of success. She comes to her caring father, a talented chemist.

He gladly lets a guest into the family. But his pompous wife and capricious daughters do not want to cohabit with the hillbilly and decide to drive her away at any cost.

It’s too early to leave the great heroines of a melodramatic film without a mother. The woman died under strange and tragic circumstances at the hands of a cold-blooded killer.

Then the girls became orphans, realizing that they would now have to rely only on themselves. The eldest Vera was then twenty, and she consciously takes full responsibility for her 10-year-old sister Svetlana. Having sacrificed herself: her career and education.

She gives all of herself and her love to her loved one. Vera’s personal life never worked out. Now she is a single mother who has to bear the responsibility of the whole family.

Her joy is her teenage son, Makar, who truly appreciates all her efforts. Sveta gets married successfully. Her house is full: a caring and attentive husband, but there is only one thing that upsets her measured existence and that is the absence of children.

Then her sister offers her help to give birth to a child for a loved one through surrogacy. This decision will radically change the lives of both women.

Serious trials, espionage passions and secrets of the past await them, which the time has come to reveal. But true love and understanding will still be stronger than all obstacles.

The heroine of the dramatic film is Julia, who had to become orphaned too early and grow up, realizing that in this harsh reality she can only rely on herself.

Her mother died of influenza when the girl was only 9 years old. After the tragedy, the teenager is placed in a boarding school, where she will have to go through the hard years of her life.

Forgetting about bright dreams, a loving family and a cozy home where they will take care of you and support you.

18 years pass. Yulia has grown up and works as a pharmacy courier. The girl was able to meet her happiness, marry her beloved and give birth to a daughter, Maria.

But the romantic idyll does not last long, the husband meets his first love and the surging feelings force him to leave his family and go to another.

A young woman has to cope with life’s difficulties on her own: there is a catastrophic lack of money, and her daughter’s father does nothing to help.

But Yulia is not going to give up, she is not timid and dotes on her daughter, promising her that when she grows up, they will definitely go on a trip together and see the ocean.

But are these dreams destined to come true? After minor illness and examinations, doctors diagnose her with cancer at the last stage. Yulia has only a few months to live.

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