Lyubov lived quietly with her common-law husband named Maxim.

The professor’s daughter Lara works as a nurse. She lives in an old house in which traditional values are preserved – mutual respect and good neighborliness. The property is considered elite and is located in one of the central areas of Moscow. In recent years, many new residents have appeared here, whose views on life differ markedly from the views of their conservative predecessors.

For example, a businessman from the dashing nineties named Oleg, who managed to get rich in the 2000s, moved here with his young wife and son. The living space of this family almost entirely occupies one of the floors. The cynical and rude businessman did not make friends with his neighbors.

The businessman quickly makes enemies among the local intellectuals. The confrontation between Oleg and Larisa, who cannot stand insolence and rudeness, became especially acute. Only, ironically, Lara’s daughter fell madly in love with the attractive son of her annoying neighbor.

What can you do here, you can’t tell your heart. Especially when we are talking about the feelings of an impressionable young girl who still has little experience in communicating and relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. What will be the fate of the characters in this story? Are Larisa’s daughter and Oleg’s son destined to be together?

Zhenya suffers from a severe form of amnesia. The man remembers absolutely nothing about his past. He found some items in his pockets, which he used to guide him and came to one apartment. The living space is connected with his past.

But even there the hero does not see anything that can revive at least some memories. It’s like there’s a fog in my head. At least find out your name, profession, cause of amnesia, social circle. The only thing the man was convinced of was that he was not a simple person.

After all, at home she finds a huge amount of money, as well as a set of passports for different names. Meanwhile, FSB officers begin to investigate the case of seven missing young people. All the missing were orphans and peers, which the special agents took into account during the search.

It turns out that Evgeny is somehow connected with this group of evaporated youth. And soon the hero finds out that someone is watching him.

Zhenya gradually begins to find out more and more information about himself and the dangers that threaten him.

Will the hero be able to find out in detail who he is and who is hunting him? Where did those teenagers go, and how is Eugene connected to these orphans? Will a man be able to survive in such difficult circumstances and restore his memory?

The dizzying story about the elderly clairvoyant woman Lyuba continues. The woman still continues to live in a small village and receive people who want to receive valuable information from the healer. Every day people come to these regions with different problems.

Every visitor expects to receive outside advice and decide how best to act in a certain situation. Someone is confused in love problems and doubts the correctness of their further choice, while others want to find out about possible solutions to everyday difficulties.

The old woman does not refuse help to anyone who knocks on her house. Thanks to her special gift and knowledge of various signs, she will certainly tell you how to return luck and become a happy person. Sometimes the most unique objects help to understand the secret of a stranger who has traveled a long way to Grandma Lyuba.

None of the guests goes home dissatisfied, although after the first visit not everyone has a pleasant impression of the elderly person. Some people become frustrated when they want to know a different truth. Each story is unique in its own way, because everything that happens is based on real events, which makes it arouse even greater interest in the viewer.

The dramatic film combines four stories about extraordinary people who are not like the majority. The leading characters are unique and inimitable in their own way, and each of them has their own difficult fate. All of them have been disabled since birth, having been given a disappointing and incurable diagnosis by doctors.

Cerebral palsy, autism and Down syndrome became a real hopeless sentence for the heroes, which did not give the slightest chance for normal development, study, finding a family, children, building a career and simply the simple human happiness of being the masters of their destinies.

While their peers are striving forward or wasting their lives – for them, every subsequent day is incredible work, efforts and hopes, even if not realized, but they cannot live any other way. The sun children, as the author of the picture called them, are considered outcasts. After all, there is no place for people like them who are part of the group of people with disabilities in modern society.

But is this fair, and these guys and girls with disabilities do not have the right to be happy. In fact, they can be much more talented, have incredible willpower, are kind-hearted, sympathetic and have incredible strength for accomplishments, albeit at their own level.

In return, they need very little to be understood, accepted, not pushed away, loved and supported. Is it really true that today’s reality and those living today, who are so proud of the revolutionary innovations of technology, cannot find a little warmth in their hearts for the Children of the Sun. Or you need to shout about it in order to awaken the consciousness of the growing generation and their parents. I would like to believe that the picture will make many people think and draw the right conclusions.

They decided it was time to get married. But you will soon have to forget about the joyful preparations for the wedding, because an unexpected tragedy will occur. One night on a country highway, the bride and groom hit a man in their car. Suddenly, three men approached the scene of a traffic accident. They were Sancho, Maly and Drozd.

The mysterious people said that they would take the accident victim to the hospital themselves, and, taking him by the legs, they began to drag him into their car. It is obvious to Maxim that these three are not going to take the victim to any hospital.

The owner of a keen sense of justice was not afraid to get into a fight with three strangers. In the brawl, Max was killed, and Lyuba, who fell under the hot hand, was severely injured. She later ended up in intensive care. When the survivor miraculously regained consciousness, she realized with horror that her well-being had come to an end.

The patient understands that it is pointless to wait for the police to help. Therefore, the enraged avenger finds a weapon and begins to search for the killers, with whom she is eager to get even cruelly. Will the woman be able to reach the criminals and finish them off? Will he understand the circumstances of the fatal accident and the subsequent showdown?

While hunting for a bandit, MIA officer Vadim Dansky fell into the clutches of an organized crime group. After which the cop turned up missing. They are looking for the servant, but to no avail. Then a video file pops up showing brutal torture followed by the murder of this security officer. Given such clear evidence, Vadim is officially declared dead.

His wife named Daria did not remain faithful and immediately after the news of her husband’s death she found someone else. She could hardly have predicted further events. The hero, officially considered dead, is found alive in a gloomy house located in the wilderness of the forest.

The law enforcement representative was wounded: he was really severely tortured. In this case, the brain was severely damaged. His memory was knocked out, and he remembers the moment of the kidnapping and the faces of the bandits. Time has passed.

Danish, as far as possible, came to his senses. And, driven by a thirst for revenge, he began his own investigation. His goal is to find out who and why acted so cruelly. And punish these criminals to the fullest extent of the law.

Then the MIA officer himself finds himself accused of several murders. Now the hero needs to prove his innocence and try to restore his memory – this would greatly simplify the investigation.

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