Tiger trail

We are conducting an experiment here, hiring former criminals to serve in the police.

In a small village located in the taiga of the Primorsky Territory, the hereditary huntsman Pavel Shirokov lives. One day, a daring crime occurred on his property: poachers shot two Ussuri tigers. On the same day, traffic police officers stopped an SUV on the highway. When asked to open the trunk, the passengers reacted aggressively, a shootout began, and all participants died.

Colonel Khazov, who arrived at the crime scene, found dead tigers in the trunk of the car and recognized one of the dead poachers as a local hunter-guide.

Khazov is confident that in the coming days, criminals will look for a new person who can lead them to the tiger’s trail.

He suggests that Shirokov get ahead of the poachers and get to the tiger’s location first in order to prevent the killing of the animal.

Already in the taiga, having practically tracked down the Ussuri tiger, Shirokov realizes that he has fallen into a deadly trap.

A typical domestic action movie (as it is now fashionable to say – NTV category), with only one thing… the cast. What stands out most is, first of all, the main character – Alexander Baluev, and his auxiliary comrades. Maria Poroshina, Roman Madyanov, Denis Nikiforov, Alexey Kravchenko. All these actors are far from the last in Russian cinema, which gave hope for an enjoyable viewing of the film. Well, overall, of course, the film justified itself.

The plot, thank God, is not typical for our action films (such as a lot of police, bandits, a three-hour shootout). Here, in the Far East, there is a hunt for the Amur tiger. Where their only savior in the “Borisych” taiga is the local huntsman.

The entire plot of the film is built around the huntsman, where the main goal, on the one hand, is to kill the tiger, and on the other, to save him. One thing I didn’t like was the excessive cruelty of the bandits. What is this? The closest approximation to reality? Well then, I’m against this in movies. The police here were shown either dead or on the negative side.

There are moments in the script that simply blew my mind, for example, when an entire police colonel (sitting in an official’s chair throughout the entire film) personally leads the campaign for the Amur tiger. Considering that we are shown an organized criminal group, such actions by leaders defy logic. There are a lot of questions about the huntsman’s personal life (about his burnt wife, about the incomprehensible arrival of his daughter home).

And there is also a “stunning” phrase from the same colonel, which the huntsman “Borisych” ate with taste, putting it like noodles on his ears.

  • We are conducting an experiment here, hiring former criminals to serve in the police.

The huntsman is satisfied with this phrase, and the plot continues further. What was it? To be honest, after such phrases, “Trail of the Tiger” no longer pretends to be serious.

As a result, I gave the film a very high rating. Naturally, for the acting, for the fact that one of my favorite Russian actors, Roman Madyanov, is starring (albeit in a small role). For the fact that in the end, justice triumphed, for our nature in the Far East.

I watched this film completely by accident. What I expected is what I saw. A standard film on NTV with tons of corpses and murders. This is an absolutely classic Russian action movie, of which ten are made a week. However, there are certain advantages that make the film look a little better than its ‘brothers’.

The most important advantage is the Far East and, of course, the tiger. The beauty of the filming is amazing, however, I think the point here is not in the operators. But in the objects themselves – no matter how you shoot, it’s still beautiful, it won’t turn out bad.

The cameramen, by the way, got the hang of filming “American style,” and in general, I haven’t watched Russian “bang-bang” films for a long time; they have become very similar to films with Steven Seagal.

The second plus is the cast. There are stellar faces, but even those whom I saw for the first time played with dignity. With the exception of a couple of cameo roles, the film does not suffer from the ‘Russian TV series acting’ syndrome. However, playing here is essentially not difficult. The characters are very classic, playing clichés.

The plot is absolutely simple – there are only freaks all around and only a couple of good guys are fighting for the truth. Fights and shootouts are no longer miserable, like in my childhood, but really cool. The problem is that I’m no longer interested in this.

Is it worth watching the film if you are not a fan of NTV films? I think you can find equally stunning footage in documentaries. And Baluev and co. are also better to watch in other films.

I won’t talk about the plot, but as a local resident I’ll tell you, we have so many interesting stories with the smuggling of dried sea cucumbers, bear paws and various parts of a tiger that to pull something like this out of thin air is beyond my understanding.

I love Baluev, but he moves through the taiga like an elephant, “sorry.”

You would like to say about the filming, our locations are gorgeous, we filmed a lot in Primorye, thank you for that. We tried to convey the feeling of spaciousness, but I’m not sure what happened. There would be more general plans, otherwise it feels like the shots in the taiga were filmed in a studio. And the locations in the city are standard; city guests can visit them in half a day.

The biggest disadvantage is that the people in the film are mostly vile, all of them lazy poachers, ready to tear up the huntsman. But in reality, everything is much more complicated and interesting. The taiga is robbed not by beggars, but by those who have time and money for weapons and ammunition. The rest of us are doing little by little to survive; work isn’t that great there.

Bottom line, the film is boring and does not enrich you with new knowledge about the nature of the Far East and people. So the question is: why did they start everything? They gathered good actors and took them to the ends of the world.

Based on the results of the failed tests of the newest cruise missile, which was launched from the Lynx nuclear submarine, crew commander Goryunov was demoted in rank. Now the offending officer again becomes a captain of the first rank. Moreover, for his obstinate character, as punishment, the insolent person is transferred to serve on a ship that has been idle in the port for a long time, and the ship’s entry into the waters is definitely not expected in the coming months.

Only those who have screwed up or are downright unprofessional sailors are sent aboard the K-157 under the ferocious name “Vepr”. Many people predict that the ship itself will soon be decommissioned or that it will finally rust from being idle. Even the ironic cynic Goryunov perceives with pain the problems that have befallen him.

However, he understands that he needs to pull himself together and again create a reputation for himself as an effective specialist who is indispensable when performing complex combat missions. To restore his good name. The captain of the first rank will have to force the complete goofball and major Lyokha Kremov to serve valiantly and not be lazy. And also to make a crew out of a company of sluggish sailors, capable of jointly solving problems from the commander. Will Goryunov be able to get out of this situation?

After the war, intelligence officer-saboteur Nina Kolosova was brought to Leningrad, where in 1947 chaos, devastation and crime flourished. The girl wants to start living from scratch. She takes the name Muravyov and gets a job as a correspondent for a publishing house. The sociable heroine quickly became friends with her colleagues. With her husband Yegor, who found work in a hospital, Kolosova lives in a spacious apartment in the center of Leningrad.

But dreams of a quiet life collapse after the unexpected death of her husband: Yegor was killed by several cruel criminals, attacking in broad daylight. The police were unable to catch the killers. Nina not only decides to find these thugs on her own, but also begins to live for revenge against any representatives of the criminal community.

In a criminal den, the former intelligence officer meets her former commander Laptev, who is working undercover, having infiltrated the group on a special mission from the Kremlin. The girl uses this in her reprisal against criminals. Gradually, she begins to calmly and selflessly destroy thieves, murderers and other assorted lawbreakers. Major Granovsky takes on the investigation of her crimes, committed with righteous intentions.

St. Petersburg plunges into the world of crime with the advent of the 90s, people are faced with a lack of stability, poverty, and not everyone expects improvements. The local police can barely cope with the rampant bandits and lawlessness who keep the city on the Niva in fear, committing terrible atrocities. Operative Alexey Chumov serves in the Criminal Investigation Department, acutely feeling the shortage of employees. Criminals do not allow human rights activists to rest; a spark of criminal fire breaks out in different parts of St. Petersburg. The thunderstorm of the criminal world receives another task and meets his green assistant Vasily. Kind and determined Poroshin accompanies an experienced mentor, hoping to be useful and needed in difficult times.

An intelligent musician, who served in a special company, alone rushes in pursuit of a currency seller, but runs into a sharp knife from a criminal. Repeat offender Tabakov, recently released from prison, inflicts a fatal blow on him in the back. Alexey has to talk with the parents of the deceased Vasya, whom he could not save on his first day of work. Misha vows to find the one who committed the vile murder, taking the life of the boy, and the cynical and arrogant Tabak rises in the eyes of Fomich’s authority and continues to commit terrible atrocities.

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