
At first glance, Nadezhda has a happy family.

But while she devotes herself entirely to her family, her husband is having an affair with the boss’s wife. However, the deception cannot last forever – the boss finds out the truth and Oleg is fired from his job. Afraid of losing her apartment due to debts, Nadya decides to go to work, because she is an architect by training, like her husband. So Nadya finds herself at a construction site with a team of builders, who immediately give her the nickname Rusk.

Despite the dissatisfaction of the workers and especially the foreman Yuri, Nadya tries to control every stage of construction. She doesn’t know that the rich customer Alla started the construction project just to be closer to Yuri. And Nadya’s appearance only adds fuel to the fire.

The main character of the ironic detective story is the courageous and insightful detective Sanya. He is well known among his colleagues as a person who is ready to take on the most hopeless business and see it through to the end. For Alexander there are no difficulties in solving the most complicated crimes, because he is principled and ready to go to the end of his goal, no matter what it costs him.

Each episode is an intriguing series, an exciting detective story, where tricky and capricious fate tries to trip up the operative and not only him. All the leading characters participating in the plot are bright and memorable personalities. They have to not only solve pressing problems, but also fight evil for the sake of saving others.

Although Sanya cannot imagine his existence without his beloved job and because of which he lost his family, he still continues to treat his ex-wife with trepidation and warmth and tries to participate in raising his teenage daughter Maria. And what awaits the young trainee Karandyshev, who recently appeared in the homicide department? Don’t miss another exciting series where intrigue, crime, love and joy are intertwined.

Police Colonel Viktor Rastorguev, having testified against members of a criminal group headed by his close friend, General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Konstantin Lykov, agreed to stage his death. Now He, his beloved woman Dasha Istomina and daughter Polina are under the supervision of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Directorate for Ensuring the Security of Persons Subject to State Protection.

Moving from city to city, our heroes ended up in the small Siberian town of Tomilinsk. Rastorguev received a new biography, changed his last name and got a job in a taxi; he tries to forget about his past life and wants to devote himself to his daughter and the woman he loves.

But injustice and crime are everywhere. The city police prefer not to interfere in the criminal showdowns taking place in Tomilinsk, and the city administration turns a blind eye to police lawlessness.

And only when shots begin to be heard in Tomilinsk and ordinary citizens die at the hands of bandits, Rastorguev realizes that he cannot remain on the sidelines, he must intervene. True, this time he can act exclusively as a private individual, and not always within the law.

Survive to win
“Too many people in this country know you by sight,” says Major Bazhenov, a curator from the State. Protection Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to Colonel Viktor Rastorguev. “Show me a place on the map, a city, a town, a village, where your colleague or the person you interrogated, arrested or sent to the zone may not be.”

“And who is he this time? Sailor? Geologist?” Dasha asks Major Bazhenov after the family’s next move to a new place. “Almost,” the curator answers Rastorguev’s wife about another legend. “Criminal.” A former military man who committed grievous bodily harm and served time for the crime, with a passport with the last name Ivanov, moves to the Siberian town of Tomilinsk.

Budget money was used to buy a modest apartment for the new residents. These are the conditions for a family to remain under state protection. And all because, let me remind you of the finale of the second season of the series “Chief.” That police colonel Viktor Rastorguev exposed members of a criminal group with big stars on their shoulder straps.

Moreover, he testified against its organizer, General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Konstantin Lykov. In life, such revelations rarely go unpunished; truth-seekers can pay for them with their lives and those of their loved ones. Therefore, a re-enactment of the death of the colonel, his, was organized. wife and little daughter. A completely new life of survival began for them. “New Life,” as the season of “Chef 3” is very accurately called.

In the art of cinema, great success does not happen by accident! And the third season of “Chef.” New Life” was immediately a resounding success with viewers. Already in the second week of showing on NTV, it took the first rating line in the list of television series in the country. At the end of 2015, it entered the top 10 new Russian TV series. For this work, actor Andrei Chubchenko became a diploma winner at the XVIII International Detective Film Festival DetectiveFEST in the “Hero” section. For his charismatic performance of the role of a positive hero – Colonel Viktor Rastorguev.

The foundation for the success of “Chef-3” was laid by a friendly team of producers from the Triix Media film company, headed by Inessa Yurchenko. As always, this season owes its content to the famous playwright Andrei Tumarkin. All the sharp plot twists are clearly and logically structured. The geography of events covers the fictional town of Tomilinsk (filming took place in Lomonosov near St. Petersburg).

Also Moscow and St. Petersburg, involving many heroes in the story of Colonel Rastorguev. Both memorable to us from the previous seasons of “Chief” and new ones. A successful discovery was the young artist Alexander Rybakov in the role of the district police officer, senior lieutenant Vaskov. The images of Major Bazhenov from the state defense (Sergei Blednykh) and the provincial crime boss Malysh (Yuri Sysoev) are interesting.

The problem of state protection is very relevant for Russia. Every year in the country more than 10 million people appear in criminal cases as victims and witnesses. There are cases of people refusing to participate in courts when they are under physical and psychological pressure, and the mortal danger is real. Therefore, the federal Law ‘On State Protection of Victims, Witnesses and Other Participants in Criminal Proceedings’ is in force.” “Chef New Life” was filmed in 2014-2015,” during these same years almost four thousand people in Russia received state protection. So the whole story told by the screenwriter is by no means a figment of his imagination, it is close to real life.

In the third season of “Chief,” Colonel Viktor Rastorguev remained true to himself. Once again confirming the truth that there are no real cops who are former. And although his curator recommended that he sit quietly, below the grass, and not stick his head out anywhere. He is not that kind of person. Rastorguev, true to his legend, made his living as a taxi driver. Either a loader or a mechanic, but he could not be “like everyone else,” agreeing with people’s lack of rights and lawlessness.

He was not happy with the criminal battles and police chaos going on in the town. As a private individual, not having the right to intervene, he often had to act outside the law. For the sake of establishing justice and the triumph of the same law.

In my opinion, the series “Chef” is a top-level patriotic movie, so it has a great public resonance. To be a hero despite all difficult circumstances, to fight alone on two fronts against werewolves in uniform and bandits – this is a real feat in peacetime.

And Rastorguev’s wife Dasha, in her trials, shares with him a fate similar to the. Decembrist woman who gave up everything for the sake of her husband and the preservation of her family. Artist Anna Tabanina (Dasha) said: ‘I think that living with a person who does not completely belong to himself. But serves the Motherland and people, is difficult.’

Directors believe that if an artist plays one character for a long time, then to some extent he psychologically merges with him. Andrey Chubchenko and Viktor Rastorguev are proof of this; they are very similar in character.

The actor on the set, as director Oleg Larin recalled, refused the help of stuntmen for the sake of authenticity. He himself put out a fire in an apartment when bandits set it on fire, and even got a burn on his hand. And during a furious fight in the entrance, not so

Not only did he blow a mailbox off its hinges, but he also knocked out his finger. The director said: “Andrey Chubchenko had to master the control of the passenger version of the gazelle.” The car he got was quite damaged, and during filming either the gearbox or the pedal failed. When, in the story, the brakes of the gazelle fail, and Rastorguev maneuvers to save the passengers, the artist himself was driving. We spent more than five hours filming the dangerous passage.”

There were psychologically very strong moments this season. To the point of heart trembling, when I understood that if another artist had played this tragic episode. I simply would not have been able to believe him. How I absolutely believed Andrey Chubchenko in the role of Colonel Viktor Rastorguev. Only he was capable of the highest mercy, forgiving his old friend who betrayed him. Perhaps this is not only the skill of a talented artist. But his bright soul was revealed to us in this amazing role.

Anastasia is a well-known cardiac surgeon in her hometown, and there is an endless line of patients. Who want to undergo diagnostics and treatment from this specialist. Her career is going quite well, to say the least.

Colleagues respect him for his professionalism and enviable patience; the head of the clinic sets an example for others. The girl believes that by the age of thirty she had achieved everything she wanted and dreamed about.

There is only one problem in her life – her chosen one is closely connected with the criminal world.

From which it is not easy to escape. But as they say, love is evil. She decides to help him with this, not even realizing that her immediate supervisor is himself involved with powerful criminal authorities.

He uses the hospital to cover up the illegal business of trafficking in psychotropic and narcotic substances. One day Nastya becomes an eyewitness to a man committing a murder. He immediately gives the order to eliminate the witness.

The boss’s nephew becomes the savior for the main character. The only way for her to stay alive is to marry a guy. I have to agree. After the wedding, she moves to her husband’s huge mansion, where his many relatives live.

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