Military service for the hero of the series

What about Tina herself? What does she think about this? Does he consider Dana as a potential partner for marriage, or as 4 children in the family?

The plot centers on the story of a retired soldier who finds himself accidentally drawn into a dangerous story full of intrigue and deadly conflicts.

In an instant, the hero, driven by a valiant impulse, becomes an enemy of the state and the main target for recidivist bandits. What is this? Fate, coincidence, or a former military man simply cannot live without a weapon in his hands? However, in terms of the number of action scenes, the drama in the series is clearly inferior to the action film.

Alexey is a special forces sergeant of the internal troops, a silent and stern master of military affairs who blames himself for the death of the platoon. One day he becomes an accidental witness to a murder and finds incriminating evidence on a major businessman, after which a hunt begins for him.

International arms dealer Greg Brynner makes a deal with one of the terrorist leaders. To capture Brynner and destroy the terrorists, a special group under the command of Major Andrei Rubtsov is sent to Syria. As a result of a successful operation.

Brynner is captured, but the betrayal of the “ally” leads to the death of Rubtsov’s group, but the major remains alive. After a while, he returns to Russia, but does not remember anything. Olga Smirnova, an employee of the international anti-terrorist organization, helps Rubtsov regain her memory and catch Brynner.

“Black Dog” resulted in dire consequences. The major, together with the fearless guys, repeatedly completed the assigned tasks. He raised his daughter with his beloved wife Marina, but there was little time left for his family.

Another mission in Syria leads to the death of… the team. Only Rubtsov survives with serious injuries. He didn’t remember anything from his past life. It took Olga Smirnova a lot of effort to return the hero’s memories. The woman worked in an anti-terrorist organization. From that moment on, a long struggle began to restore reputation and good name.

Makar Ilyushin and Sergey Babkin are private detectives who have solved more than one case, from the most unpredictable to the hopeless. The next client of the partners is Andrei Kalashnikov, who managed to make a small fortune through entrepreneurship.

But now the man has invested all his savings in a dilapidated old house in a remote village called Kamyshovka. Everything would be fine, but recently a stranger showed up to him and introduced herself as Vera Bakshaeva. The sister of the former owner of the property. The woman claimed that the tower actually and legally belonged to her. Then something unusual happened, Andrei lost consciousness, and when he came to his senses. He saw the corpse of an uninvited guest next to him.

Frightened, the man buried the body in the garden and after some time of severe torment, he went to the police station with a sincere confession.

There they listened to him and Kalashnikov returned to the hut with representatives of the law. Who were supposed to testify to the fact of the death of citizen Bakshaeva. But the lawyers never found the murdered woman.

The detectives begin to investigate a rather strange incident and very soon realize that strangers are not welcome in the village. Everything suggests that local residents have something to hide.

Two friends came from a provincial town to Moscow in search of success, love, new acquaintances and impressions. Ira, the eldest of them, wants to become a popular and highly paid actress. And Zhenya is looking for any job related to cars or motorcycles.

However, as is usually the case, Moscow has not been hospitable to those who want to quickly conquer it. Provincial women had to face a harsh reality.

Evgenia is not accepted into any car service: because of prejudices, they don’t even consider a girl’s candidacy: the profession, they say, is purely male.

And Irina had big problems getting into the theater school. One day, the main characters accidentally met a charismatic elderly woman. It turned out that she is a writer who works part-time as a janitor, sweeping the area in front of her house.

For a new work, an unrecognized genius needs interesting, subtle and non-trivial observations related to relationships between people. Ira and Zhenya agree to collect material for the book for the cleaning lady if she provides them with housing.

This is how a new chapter begins in the life of restless friends. What will be the future fate of the resilient beauties? Will they be happy in career and love?

The main characters of the melodramatic film are Dan and Tina, two young people who met completely by chance in one of the city bars in an unusual situation. Then everything happened as usual. The guys liked each other and spent a romantic night together. Wthout planning absolutely no continuation. This state of affairs suits both of them quite well.

But in the midst of passions and tenderness, a company of three children and a powerful and stern woman unexpectedly burst into the house.

After a short explanation, it becomes clear to Dan that the restless teenagers are Tina’s children, and the lady is her former mother-in-law. The fact is that there is a 15-year age difference between the newly-made couple.

The young man’s first thought is to run away from this den. But everything turned out to be not so simple for him. Having never even thought about a serious relationship, the young man falls in love with a single mother. For those around him, this may seem like pure madness, but this is an irreversible fact, and he wants to be with his beloved.

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