COOL WAR FILM FOR MEN! – I serve the Fatherland! / Russian detective novelties

The main events begin to unfold after the end of Ertugrul’s era and the advent of a completely new period, during which his son Osman ruled. The powerful and far-sighted relative left behind a worthy legacy, which must now be continued by his heirs.

Of course, the son did not let his father down and was able to increase the success and glory achieved by his majestic parent, making his native state more stable and strong in the world political arena.

A talented politician created a large Ottoman Empire, which over the next many centuries expanded its own borders. Osman Bey was a fearless warrior, an excellent strategist, an enterprising diplomat and was always in the thick of battle, thus setting an example for his army, for which he was not only respected, but also feared.

In the future, the main character will face difficult trials: true love, hatred, numerous losses, grandiose victories and even vile betrayal of his most loyal friends. But he was able to overcome all the tricky trials, the intrigues of imaginary and hypocritical comrades, cope with his own emotions and continued to move forward, always taking into account his past experience and engaging in self-education.

Secret agent Drongo is a charismatic and impressive man. This calm and cold-blooded intelligence officer has a huge number of completed missions of national importance behind him. Despite the dangerous and responsible work, the most experienced spy always maintains a sense of humor and shines with wit. His trump card is not fists and weapons, but grandmaster strategic combinations.

Perhaps the only weakness of the main character is women. It is difficult for a lover of the opposite sex to resist numerous intimate temptations. It’s no joke, when during a secret operation the curvaceous operative.

Helen flirts with him, complimenting the scout’s perfume and kissing the bachelor, try to concentrate on the matter at hand. An intelligent man faces perhaps the most difficult mission of his entire long career. Together with his colleagues, the character begins a war against an international organized crime group. An international gang has launched drug trafficking in a number of countries and continues to expand its markets with impunity. Wherever the main character goes during a multi-stage operation. From Moscow to Baku, from Tbilisi to New York, from Paris to London.

In post-war times, when crime became rampant in the Soviet Union, a series of mysterious and sophisticated murders take place in a small town. Investigators are baffled. The attacker’s handwriting is, to put it mildly, unusual.

The victims invariably have their throats torn out. Wounds were also found on the corpses, presumably left by wolf claws. Having learned about the horror that is happening, local residents panic. The investigation, which has not yet gotten off the ground, is entrusted to the young and ambitious head of the local criminal investigation department, Vysik.

A cynic is not inclined to take mystical versions seriously and intends to thoroughly get to the bottom of the truth. The cold-blooded officer understands perfectly well that someone is deliberately stirring up an atmosphere of horror and superstition.

Well, the criminal certainly succeeded in sowing panic among the population. But who benefits from this? And for what? So far there are some unanswered questions. Meanwhile, the number of victims continues to grow. Workers of the trophy warehouse.

Employees of the local stud farm and other inhabitants of the town are sure that evil spirits are involved in the matter. Gradually, Vysik will find out that mystical wolves are only a visible part of the nightmare.

A series of mysterious murders occur in the city. One day, teenagers discovered the corpse of an old woman in the tram depot. The successful psychologist Ira Eliseeva, who lives quietly with her daughter named Lena, does not yet know about this.

One day, a woman is interrupted by an alarm call – Slavik, who is in love with Lena, has climbed onto the roof and is about to jump off. Eliseeva rushes to the rescue. On the roof she ran into police major Groznov. Having looked at Irina in action, the officer immediately makes a decision and offers the heroine a job in the special department. She agrees.

A new chapter begins in the life of a thriving psychologist. Now she works as a psychologist-consultant for particularly serious crimes. One of the first cases Eliseeva worked on was the investigation of a series of murders of elderly citizens.

One of the victims is a controversial human rights activist, famous since Soviet times. Employees of the special department are tasked with finding and neutralizing the attacker. Ira, Groznov, as well as their colleagues Khorkov and Bronstein, work day and night in the operational headquarters, trying to find out what united the dead? But because of her service, Irina devotes less and less time to her daughter, with whom there are more and more problems in her relationship.

The beautiful Karina lives in a small resort town and dreams of happiness in her personal life. The girl recently graduated from school, works as a seamstress and really wants to marry the careerist Mikhail. But he has no time for marriage: the ambitious man intends to leave and enter MGIMO to receive a diplomat education.

Karina doesn’t mind waiting for her lover. Tragedy changes everything. Misha loses control of the car and kills a pedestrian. A selfless seamstress decides to do a desperate act for the sake of the groom and takes the blame on herself.

The man himself not only does not try to dissuade the girl, but also leaves her. Now the unfortunate woman will face years of imprisonment and regret that she trusted an egoist, and he will face a joyful life and prosperity. Her father’s friend Herman helps Karina avoid an unfair sentence.

Their relationship doesn’t end there. One day the savior invites the heroine to marry. The age difference between them is great, but the girl agrees, feeling that next to such a man she will always be calm and safe.

But the bride does not even suspect what terrible secrets Herman keeps. What skeletons does a man who seems worthy and always ready to help keep in his closet?

The melodramatic series takes place in the provincial mining town of Rudogorsk. Karina is a young beauty who dreams of a dancing career, but understands perfectly well that most likely her wish will never come true. In the meantime, she works at a local factory, as a seamstress. And her greatest prospect may be marriage to her childhood friend Genka.

Although the heroine is in no hurry with this yet. She continues to live under the same roof with her elderly father and evil stepmother, who dotes on her own daughter and, at every opportunity, dumps all the negativity on Karina.

The owner of the mine where her parent works is throwing a real celebration in honor of the enterprise’s anniversary. The capital’s DJ Nick and a group of dancers were invited to the celebration. It seems that the case itself gives the Girl a rare chance.

The chief choreographer of the ensemble immediately notices the gifted person and invites her to his show. This is a lucky one-way ticket. Is she really going to be able to go to Moscow and also connect her life with her beloved Nick? But an accident and an explosion at the mine ruin all plans. Karina has a long and thorny path to go through, coping with many adversities before she achieves what she wants.

The drama series tells a story that takes place in a remote taiga town where an illegal gold mine is thriving. All this wealth is managed by the enterprising businessman Motyl together with his assistant Stepan.

The latter is not very satisfied with the position of the second role, and he plans to displace his boss. In the meantime, everything is working according to the old and established scheme. The purified precious metal is safely sent abroad, which eventually attracts the attention of special services.

To find out everything that is happening, two undercover agents are sent to the province from the capital. One of the operatives, Maxim Somonov, becomes Stepan’s confidant, and the other, Yuri Golanov, joins a team of extreme sports enthusiasts who came to harsh lands to take a survival course.

Up to a certain point, the entire secret operation goes according to plan, until an extreme situation occurs. The helicopter, which was supposed to deliver the next batch of gold to foreign partners, crashed in the forests of Taiga. And now a group of guys, trying to find the treasured. Case with precious metal bars, is playing their own game in which it’s every man for himself.

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