
Provincial resident Mikhail Razumovsky earns money as a taxi driver.

This retired paratrooper is thirty-five years old. He doesn’t yet know what’s going on in the city. The fact is that after the death of FSB officer Ryabinin due to a heart attack, bandits from the oligarch Kartashov’s brigade intensified their criminal activities.

Before this, for many years, thugs from the organized crime group paid the influential security official Kotov so that he would not disclose their crimes and turn a blind eye to them. They, as Kartashov believed, were commanded by the now deceased Ryabinin.

After his heart attack, Kotov decided to give a frank interview to journalist Karetnikov, to whom he laid out compromising information about Kartashov. If this conversation had been published, the oligarch would have come to an end.

After all, Kotov told the correspondent that the capitalist authority handed over two thieves in law to the police, after which he took over their business. It is not surprising that Kotov was followed. The journalist recorded the conversation on a voice recorder.

And he received from his interlocutor a knife, in the handle of which was hidden the key to a bank safe deposit box containing evidence of incriminating evidence on the oligarch. Karetnikov was forced to go down into the yard through the window. Then he gets into the first taxi he comes across, whose driver turns out to be Razumovsky.

The main character of the action-packed film is the principled and experienced police colonel Viktor Rastorguev. A professional in his field, a respected officer heads one of the capital’s departments. He is always decisive, even harsh at times, and in some cases can break the law to achieve his goal, truth and justice.

During his long service, Victor helped many people, but he acquired more blood enemies, whom he put behind bars. One day, a case comes across the operative’s desk in which an influential businessman becomes the main defendant.

For Rastorguev, a thieving entrepreneur and possibly a murderer is a hard-core criminal, and it doesn’t matter in what elite circles he moves or who his friends are. A man acts as his duty as a representative of the law dictates. But not everyone shares this opinion about this accused.

Top management directly tells the honest lawyer that if he does not give up his idea, then most likely they will not work out and he will be fired. That’s how it all happened.

After that incident, the investigator of the homicide department will not be able to get a job in his specialty for a long time until a close friend from St. Petersburg invites him.

So Victor moves to the northern capital, but even there he will face troubles and fight for a just cause, which is not to everyone’s taste.

Roman Shilov continues to fight with werewolves in uniform, and the man develops new methods of confrontation. He has to get used to paperwork, but previously he felt great about operational work and controlled the activities of the city police. That’s just how many people there are, so many opinions. Not everyone appreciates Roman’s fiery disposition. Recently, Shilov has been overly eager to fight for the truth.
The new season will tell about Shilov’s promotion. Now he is the head of the Criminal Investigation Department. The heads of various departments are subordinate to Roman Georgievich. Shilov always pursued certain goals, he wanted to make sure that everyone remained in their place. So this time he offered Pavel Arnautov to take a leadership position, but he refused. As a result, Lieutenant Colonel Kazakov appears and takes the vacant position.

Shilov and Kazakov disliked each other from the first days, and they began to have a serious conflict. The latter always adhered to certain methods in his work, was distinguished by his straightforwardness and did not want to act on someone else’s orders. The cop wars are flaring up with renewed vigor, and no one is going to give in in this serious struggle.

A student at one of the Yaroslavl universities, Seryozha Ryabinin, learns the tragic news about the death of his father. When Sergei was five years old, his dad left his family and has not been around since then. After his father’s funeral, Sergei received his diary, as well as an ancient manual on palmistry. The young man read all this heritage and was amazed. Ryabinin learned that the ancestor was an experienced palmist and performed real miracles.

But it is difficult for a student to believe this. A little later, the hero is expelled from the institute. And then he received a summons to the army. Despite calls from his girlfriend Katya to excuse himself from service, Sergei soon takes the oath and finds himself at the location of a military unit. There the soldier was able to put his knowledge of palmistry into practice.

The new recruit clearly manages to engage in such unusual activities. A lot of time has passed. When Ryabinin was already an old-timer, he was struck by one episode. He examined the lines on the palms of the young soldiers and was horrified to discover that most of these guys were destined to die within the next couple of years. Then the Chechen war begins, and the terrible prediction already looks realistic. How will Sergei use his gift as a palmist in the future? How will his relationship develop with his beloved girl named Katya?

What can make a hereditary officer leave the army and become an ordinary taxi driver? Can he find a place for himself in a world where nobility, justice and courage are often dying concepts? Will his restless soul manage to move from rage to mercy? The answers to these and other questions will be given by the life and fate of Mikhail Razumovsky, a former combat paratrooper commander..

Hero of a number of military campaigns, now working as a driver in an ordinary city taxi company.

He cannot get past trouble, meanness and betrayal. By the will of fate and due to his character, he finds himself in the epicenter of criminal situations, emerges victorious and helps honest and decent people.

True, he has to pay dearly for this – with his own health, the safety of loved ones and even the life of a friend.

After divorcing her husband, Irina had only her only son, Kirill. The woman promised herself to take care of the heir and do everything so that the offspring would not need the support of a second parent. The woman worked several jobs to dress her son well. As a result, the guy always communicated with the sons of rich people, considering himself equal to these people.

Ira repeatedly warned the child about the consequences of such communication, but he refused to listen to her. The fateful evening makes the guy regret his premature arguments and realize how true his mother’s words were. After a noisy party, the guys sit drunk in the car and rush home at high speed. Due to inattention, the judge’s son knocks down the girl Alena. The investigation begins.

The children of influential people unanimously claim that Kirill was driving, although the young man assures the opposite. Alena, who has woken up, also confirms the words of the majors.

The mother is trying to hire good lawyers for the heir, but not a single lawyer is in a hurry to take on a risky case. When the whole city turns away from the poor family.

Irina expresses her readiness to take Kirill’s side and independently protect the innocent from prison.

Nadezhda works as a cashier in a store in a small provincial town. She is a single mother who is raising and raising her only son, Alexander. Her usual existence is disrupted by unexpected news after an unscheduled medical examination.

A woman is diagnosed with a serious heart disease and, as a result, requires an urgent heart transplant. Nadya is lucky with the help that the charity foundation provides her. Taking her son, she goes to the capital to meet with sponsors.

There she meets the head of that very foundation, Olga, and her close friend Alena, who recently separated from her husband.

She and her husband tried to have children for a long time, but nothing came of this idea, after which the man announced that he was leaving for his pregnant mistress. While Nadya is in the clinic, Alena undertakes to take care of Sanka.

When it unexpectedly turns out that the operation is too prohibitive for patrons.

The parent decides to take care of her child’s future and transfers custody to a new friend. Believing that this will be better for everyone.

The boy remains in Moscow, and the mother returns to her native land – in fact, to die, no matter how sad it may sound, but this is the harsh reality.

Lidia Vasilievna is a veterinarian who works in a private clinic in a small provincial town. She is an excellent specialist and a sympathetic person, who is famous in her district for her good deeds and is always ready to help. Owners of four-legged animals try to get an appointment only with her, knowing her conscientious attitude towards her work.

The heroine always loved her profession and her animal and considered herself lucky with her choice. The same cannot be said about her personal life.

True, Lydia never complained and always remained a positive person under any life circumstances. She raised her daughter alone, of whom she was proud. The girl graduated from school well and went to enroll in the capital. There she met her chosen one and married him. The parent was only happy for her child, always wanting her life to turn out much more prosperous than hers.

One day on the upcoming New Year, the mother decides to visit the children, arriving as a surprise. But she could never have imagined that her daughter’s relationship with her husband was almost on the verge of divorce. Young and hotheads do not have the patience and wisdom to maneuver around sharp corners in relationships.

The woman tries to take the situation into her own hands and try to save the family, which means there is hope.

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